Chocolate & Cream Cookies

Vegan | Gluten Free | Refined Sugar Free

Spiced Chocolate Almond Cream Cookies

These chocolate & cream cookies feature our Spiced Chocolate Almonds, giving them a spicy and seasonal twist!  As another option, you could always use plain chocolate almonds.  Chocolate almonds are a super special treat, so if you're going to be using them in baking projects, you might want to consider buying them in bulk so you have some leftover for nibbling & decorating your delicious cookies!

100 g Spiced Chocolate Almonds
80 g maple syrup
60 g coconut flour
60 g coconut oil
20 g cacao powder
pinch of salt
Coconut Cream:
100 g canned coconut milk
40 g creamed coconut
Chocolate topping:
120 g chocolate buttons  (a little almond milk to thin if necessary)

1. Mix all the ingredients for the cookies in a food processor, and form small circles (around 12 pcs from those quantities)
2. Bake for 7 minutes at 180 C
3. Let them cool completely
4. Mix the ingredients for the cream in a food processor and put a 1 teaspoon over each cookie and gently press with your fingers.
5. Leave in the freezer for around 30 minutes or until it is completely firm
6. Melt the chocolate buttons gently over a bain marie (add a little almond milk if necessary).  Rest your cookies on a wire rack, and carefully spoon the melted chocolate over the cookies, covering them.
7. When chocolate has set (you can speed up this step by placing them in the fridge), your cookies are ready to devour! :) 



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